Eye Examination

What is a Eye Exam?

Eye Examination or Eye Consultation includes Visual aquity, Refractive error Correction with detailed Slit Lamp Evaluation and Fundus / Retina Examination.

Based on your specific case, the doctor may perform any of the following tests:

Visual Field Test

You may require Visual Fiels tests in specific cases like Glaucoma and any Optic Nerve Pathway disorders.

Binocular Vision Assessment

Depth Perception is evaluated and binocular balancing

is done. Any Diplopias if et all are evaluated and are either corrected with Prism Lenses or may have to be dealt surgically or Medically for nerve related disorders.

Digital Retinal Imaging

Fundus or Retina Examination along with capturing its image and a Coloured Print hand out shall be given if and when necessary

Visual Acuity Test

Visual aquity includes uniocular examination of vision with duochrome correction

Corneal Mapping

Examination of Cornea and identifying any Scars, Oedema, Endothelial deposits, dystropies, degenerations, Foreign body, Abrasions etc and mapping it and treating it accordingly.

Eye Pressure Test

The Eye Pressure is below 21mm of hg and should be above 11mm of hg which is also termed as Intra Ocular Pressure. If elevated (in Glaucoma) it has to be treated with Anti-Glaucoma Medications or have to intervene Surgically if needed.

Bhagyalatha Hospital - Eye Unit is ready to look after all your eye emergency needs. Take care of your eye health!

Dr. Varun Boddula

Chief Consultant

Book an Eye Care Appointment Today

Cataract Surgery

We perform Zero Pain / Painless Eye Surgeries, No Injection in or around the eye, No patching of the eye, No Sutures for eye cataract surgery

Diabetic Disease

Retina get affected in Diabetes where in we term it as Diabetic Retinopathy; Certain damage caused by Diabetic Retinopathy is reversable but most of it is irreversable – Thus we screen all the eyes for Diabetic Retinopathy to caution the patient so that furthur damage can be prevented and can be treated toan extent with Anti VEGF Intravitreal Injections.


Glaucoma Screening

Glaucoma Evaluation is done with IOP Measurement (Intra Ocular Pressure) and Optic Disc Evaluation and Visual Field Analysis.

Myopia Therapy

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Why Bhagyalatha Hospital Eye Unit?


Highly Qualified Specialists

We have a team of doctors who are highly experienced and also have patience to listen to your queries and are knowledged to evaluate the issue and explain in detail and suggest the best possible treatment either medically or surgically.


Modern Ophthalmology

We use advanced set of equipments which inturn show accurate data for evaluation your eye condition which inturn helps in evaluation and diagnosis thus finding a right treatment module.

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Eye Examination and

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